Intel® Quartus® Prime Software: The Best FPGA Design Environment
Now you are ready to download your design on to the development board: Perform Pin Assignments: First download the pin assignment (.qsf) file by right-clicking here and saving this file in your project folder or somewhere you can find it. Select "Assignments" -> "Import Assignments...". Click the three dots after "File name", then navigate to the "qsf" file you just download, select it and press "OK" If you click Assignments->Assignment Editor, you will see that there are many things you can connect to besides the switches (SW[]) and seven segment displays (HEX0[] through HEX5[]). The buttons and leds are the easiest to figure out what they are. Connect the development board to the host computer by means of a USB cable plugged into the USB-Blaster port. Turn on the power to the development board (red button). Ensure that the RUN/PROG switch is in the RUN position (up).
You may see a warning saying the "Device drive software was not successfully installed". In that case go to your Control Panel -> "Hardware and Sound" -> "Device Manager". Double click the entry labeled "USB-Blaster". Right click and then "Update the driver". To find the driver navigate to "C:\intelFPGA_lite\18.1\quartus\drivers"
Select Tools -> Programmer.
Make sure the "Hardware Setup" says "USB-Blaster" (you must have it plugged in)
Click the Start button to program
After the device is programmed demonstrate its proper operation to the lab assistant
Run the downloaded executable and follow the guidelines. Install all components, including the board cable drivers. I suggest to use a common directory to install tools. On Windows I use c:/intelFPGA_lite/18.1. Let the program run to completion. Proceed with the installation of optional drivers. You now have the Quartus synthesis environment installed.
quartus prime download lite
Run the downloaded executable and follow the guidelines. You can install the environment in a subdirectory of your Quartus Prime environment. On Windows I use c:/intelFPGA/lite/18.1/embedded. Let the program run to completion. Proceed with the installation of optional drivers. You can skip installation of DS-5; we will cover this in a later Homework.